Saturday, August 21, 2010


Starts September 2 and my mom got my eyebrows waxed for the first time. I've seen people get it done on tv and i thought they were just over reacting when they screamed out in pain.So i wasn't worried.But when i got it done today i yelled at the top of my lungs because it really hurt BAD!! Was your first wax as painful as mine??PAINFUL EYEBROW WAXING????
The first wax almost always is because the hairs are so deeply inbeded in your skin. Now you can pluck your eyebrows and it wont hurt as much though =] and your next waxing shouldent be as bad.PAINFUL EYEBROW WAXING????
I've never had my eyebrows waxed, but I've had my legs and brazilians done and I've never screamed out in pain. So if I can endure having my craw waxed without yelling like a baby, then I think people boohooing about their eyebrows are overreacting. It hurts, for sure, but suck it up.
my first was, but i found im allergic to the wax that the salons use so i have to pluck. its annoying, waxing is so much easier. sometimes beauty is a little pain
I'm not sure where your from but in san diego they have this thing where they use string to cut and shape your eyebrows try that
lol to me it wasnt


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