Tuesday, August 24, 2010

OMG! Freakin' out! Eyebrow Waxing??!!?? {{{PLZZ Answer LADIES=]}}?

Ok, I'm getting my eyebrows waxed today and I'm sorta freakin' out here lolz, I need to know a few things first...

How bad did it hurt for you 1-10 (10 being worst)?

How long did it stay red?

What exality do they do?

Should I ask ger to arch them?

Will they look good afterwerd, because mine don't have much of a shape right now lol=/?

Fell free to add ANYTHING you want ,as long as it's not rude or hateful=]

Oh, one more thing after I get them done 4 hours later I'm going to a movie do you think they will stay red for more the 4 hours??

Thanks SO Much for Your Help!=]

**I'll pivk Best Answer!**OMG! Freakin' out! Eyebrow Waxing??!!?? {{{PLZZ Answer LADIES=]}}?
i wax my eye brown and it doesn't hurt the first time it does no they'll stop hurting in like 5 minsOMG! Freakin' out! Eyebrow Waxing??!!?? {{{PLZZ Answer LADIES=]}}?
1. 3

2. about a half an hour

3. they put hot wax on the part where you dont want hair then put a piece of clothy paper over it and rip it off really fast/

4. i think she already knows what to do, and she is prob trained to make it look best for your face shape.

5. yes they will look a lot better trust me

you are probably making too big a deal out of this lol. they dont stay red for long and it doesnt hurt lik at all maybe for a few mins but nothing tremendous. the only time something bad ever happened is when my sister got hers waxed bcus she was alergic to the wax and then they ripped it off she got a bunch of zits where the wax was. and dont let them leave the wax on long cus it could burn you. the only time its on too long is if ur lik freaking out during. i dont usually get them waxed though cus when they grow back it looks wierd lol. i pluck mine i like it better bcus you can fix them the way you want. but whatever

umm for pain id say about 4 but for lyk a second and a half....reddness: a lil while....she'll know to arch them (thats the point lol) they will look really good and you wont stop lookin at urself in tha mirror (thats wat i did lmao)

i waxed them on a saturday the day of my quinceanera and they were red for some hours

i think they wont be red for 4 hours

i got mine at 12 and like at 3 they werent red anymore
dont worry its not that bad.

i would rate it like a 5, but mine stayed red for like 20 minutes.

they put wax on the hairs that need to be removed, then put waxing paper over it and rip it off and the hair come off with it. i don't think you need to tell her to arch them, they probably will do that automatically. Yes, they will make them look good. and they will have more shape. and there is no way that they will stay red for 4 hours. another thing you could ask them for is they have this gel that they can put on after to take the redness away and sooth the pain, and its free. :]
Honey, do NOT freak out, I've been waxing my eyebrows since I was 12, the first time it hurt. Today, I'm going to get an eyebrow wax and a lip wax. The lip wax hurts 10X more than eyebrow wax. You should definietly tell them to the upper eyebrow too. The lower part of the eyebrow hurts the most.

-It hurts about 6 the first time

-It stayed red about 25 mins for me

-They put the hot wax on your eyebrow, then put a strip over it and they say 1-2-3 and BAM they pull it off.

-You should definietly tell them to get an arch.

-They'll look GREAT afterwards, just make sure you go to a reputable place. My friend got her eyebrows done by a lady who didn't have much experience and she accidentally waxed her whole eyebrow. Thats not common though. So relax.
How bad did it hurt for you 1-10 (10 being worst): 2

How long did it stay red: about an hour.

What exality do they do: put hot wax around the area you want to clean up. put a cloth like strip on it. and pull it off.

Should I ask ger to arch them: they'll know.

Will they look good afterwerd, because mine don't have much of a shape right now lol: they will look so much nicer!

it hurts about a 7 the first time

it stays red for 48 hours

they put the wax then the paper and rip it off

yes ask her to arch them

they will look amazing!!

it will definetly still be red!! I know it stinks but the wax makes foundation just slip right off!!

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